Series III, Chapter 9, Act 41-45
Series III, Chapter 10, Act 46-50
Series III, Chapter 11, Act 51-55
Series III, Chapter 12, Act 56-60
Series III, Chapter 9-12, Act 41-60
1080×1920 Pixel, H264 Codec
Chapter 9
08:15 Min. in loop
Chapter 10
07:43 Min. in loop
Chapter 11
07:50 Min. in loop
Chapter 12
08:25 Min. loop
Edition of 3 + 1 AP
The video collages are digital murals. Framed and divided into chapters. The source material for the series comes from the internet.
Selected film sequences are turned into video loops without hard cutting. The selection and comparison of the individual films is primarily intuitive.
The targeted composition of the images and the rhythm of movement result in strong compositional confrontations. In terms of content, the individual acts take up everyday situations or political themes, respond to each other conceptually or formally, present them humorously to sarcastically, always aesthetically.
Through animation and content, the „image“ attracts the attention of the viewer, who inevitably associates personally.
Exhibition view:
Series III, Chapter 9, Act 41-45
Series III, Chapter 10, Act 46-50
Series III, Chapter 11, Act 51-55
Series III, Chapter 12, Act 56-60
Series III, Chapter 9-12, Act 41-60
1080×1920 Pixel, H264 Codec
Chapter 9
08:15 Min. in loop
Chapter 10
07:43 Min. in loop
Chapter 11
07:50 Min. in loop
Chapter 12
08:25 Min. loop
Edition of 3 + 1 AP
The video collages are digital murals. Framed and divided into chapters. The source material for the series comes from the internet.
Selected film sequences are turned into video loops without hard cutting. The selection and comparison of the individual films is primarily intuitive.
The targeted composition of the images and the rhythm of movement result in strong compositional confrontations. In terms of content, the individual acts take up everyday situations or political themes, respond to each other conceptually or formally, present them humorously to sarcastically, always aesthetically.
Through animation and content, the „image“ attracts the attention of the viewer, who inevitably associates personally.
Exhibition view: